How to buy
We need some information from you to give you a quotation:
If you would like your VAT invoice to be made out to a different name and address from the delivery address please let us know.
- the name and product code of your preferred panel (PR-550)
- the dimensions of your wall,( width and height or the number of panels you require
- your delivery postcode
- your email address
If you would like your VAT invoice to be made out to a different name and address from the delivery address please let us know.
What you will need
You will need the following from us to have a perfectly finished wall:
We don't supply any screws or bolts to fix the panels with. We recommend using countersunk head screws or bolts.
- the right number of panels to cover your wall
- Filler/mastic which is applied between panels (joints) and over screw heads
- Paint for the joints. Once the filler is dried you can paint the joints and covered screwheads with a paint which perfectly matches your panel.
- Ageing paint to make your wall unique (not always supplied)
We don't supply any screws or bolts to fix the panels with. We recommend using countersunk head screws or bolts.
How to pay us
You can make a payment to our bank account as shown on your quotation. The bank account name is JR Lakatos Limited.
When you make a bank transfer, please always use your quotation reference number.
Please send us an email once you have made the payment to avoid delays in despatching your order.
When you make a bank transfer, please always use your quotation reference number.
Please send us an email once you have made the payment to avoid delays in despatching your order.
Lead Time
If we have the required panels in stock in the UK, we can deliver to you within 3-5 working days. Click here for the list of stock panels.
If you would like to have an item we don't have in stock the lead time is 4 weeks from the cleared payment.
If you would like to have an item we don't have in stock the lead time is 4 weeks from the cleared payment.